Cam code
See it here
<ilion> - 26/Dec/01 11:11:04 am

So I put up a little page with my web cam code. Lots of people are using it a recommending it, so if you need it here it is.



Quick Link
Bubble Wrap!
<ilion> - 15/Dec/01 8:58:58 pm

Whee! Virtual Bubble Wrap!



Cheating <ilion> - 13/Dec/01 11:50:48 pm

Yes, I admit it. I'm cheating. In doing my reorganising, I've filled some slots not by adding stuff, but simply moving something from one place to another. For example: my bio, which was found in the Pride section, now makes up the Gluttony area. But it is making the website appear more complete. A theme is slowly being established over the pages as well. I think I need to make things appear more the same shape though. This could lead to lots of white space. Haven't quite decided what to do.



Evolution <ilion> - 08/Dec/01 02:01:54 am

Well, I decided the old look was a little too static. It also gave no direction to any visitors. So here's my new developing look complete with news up front. Who knows where this will go? Not me, really. I suppose we'll see.

I've got an idea for my anit-blog. I hope to get working on it soon. Maybe as a New Years Revolution, although I'd like to start before that.
